Cookies Policy


Last Updated: February 28, 2022
First time or new visitors will see our Cookie Consent Alert Box at the bottom of their screens. This can be utilized to set a user's Cookie Preferences for our site. Users can also change their preferences at any time on this site by clicking the Cookie Preferences link located below. By default, all non essential cookies are set to OFF, meaning users must accept or opt-in for them to be turned on.

By clicking Accept on the Cookie Consent Alert Bar or alternatively selecting the cookie category switches to ON you are consenting to the use of those cookies for this site.
Click the Cookie Preferences button below to manage your cookie setting on our site.
Please Note: The Cookie Consent Alert box will not be displayed to users who have enabled a 'Do Not Track' setting in their browsers. As discussed in the 'Do Not Track' section below, this website honours such a request and subsequently sets all consent status to 'denied'.

What are Cookies

A cookie is a small text file sent from a website and stored on a users' device by their web browser. Cookies are utilised for a variety of purposes from enhancing website functionality to gathering information about how users interact with a site. Due to this wide scope of activity it is important for users to understand the types and purposes of cookies in addition to knowing which ones we use for this site.

Types of Cookies

Essential vs. Non Essential Cookies
Essential Cookies (also known as Necessary or Required Cookies) are those that enable basic/core features and functionality of a website. When Essential cookies are blocked or turned off certain websites may not function correctly. All other cookies that are not strictly necessary for a site to run properly are considered Non Essential Cookies.
Session vs. Persistent Cookies
A Session Cookie is a transient cookie that is stored in temporary memory while the user navigates pages of a site. A common form of Session Cookie is used for a site shopping cart to remember a user's selection. A Session Cookie will be erased when a user closes their web browser completely. Closing a browser tab typically will not remove a Session Cookie. Session Cookies do not have an expiry date. A Persistent Cookie on the other hand will be stored on a user's device until either it expires or is deleted. Persistent Cookies allow sites to remember settings or information about a user. Persistent Cookies can greatly enhance a user's experience (i.e. save their preferred language settings) but can also be used to capture browsing behaviour.
1st Party vs. 3rd Party Cookies
First Party Cookies are cookies that are created by the website that a user is visiting directly. Third Party Cookies are cookies set by a website other than the one a user is currently on. They are typically added through an object (e.g. image, button etc.) on a page that originates from a different domain. For example, a share button may contain (depending on how it is implemented) a third party cookie from a social media company.

Cookies used on this website

The table below contains information about each individual cookie that may be found on this website. Click on the Cookie categories to expand the table.




We use Complianz for cookie consent management. Read more

Sharing data

This data is not shared with third parties. For more information, please read the Complianz Privacy Statement.


365 days
Read to determine which cookie banner to show
365 days
Store cookie consent preferences
365 days
Store cookie consent preferences


Purpose pending investigation


Sharing data

Sharing of data is pending investigation

Purpose pending investigation

365 days
Analytics Cookies
Our Website uses Google Analytics deployed via Google Tag Manager ("GTM") with anonymized IP to assist us analyse how users are engaging with our site. Please refer to the following Google resources for more details on the types and methods used to collect information:

- Google Analytics Solutions Overview
- Safeguarding Google Analytics data
- Google Privacy Policy
- Google Analytics 4

The collected information from both Analytics in Motion and Google Analytics is used solely internally for the purpose of gauging visitor traffic, trends and delivering personalised content to you while you are looking at our website.
Social Sharing Cookies
Certain pages on this site contain buttons that allow users to share content from our website on social media. These buttons are implemented in the form of share links for Facebook, Google+, Twitter and LinkedIn. These share links do not contain any third-party cookies, JavaScript, iframes or pixels that can be used to track behaviour on our site.

When a user clicks on a share link they will be sent to the social media website in a new browser tab. Once this occurs we cannot prevent any cookies from being added to your browser by the social media website. For this reason we allow users the ability to turn off the social media sharing buttons on our site.

You can manage cookies and tracking preferences directly on some sites - Facebook and Twitter.

Do Not Track

'Do Not Track' is a setting found in almost all modern web browsers. It allows users to tell websites (through their browser) that they do not want their browsing behaviour tracked across the internet. However, applying the Do Not Track request is not a mandatory requirement that websites must follow. Consequently, it is up to each individual website to determine whether or not they honour the Do Not Track indicator from a browser. Users should not assume a website will respect its Do Not Track selection.
Analytics in Motion honours 'Do Not Track' requests to this website
Please note: for this site 'Do Not Track' will have the highest priority in regards to tracking settings. For example, if a user has Do Not Track set to on in their browser but has also directly consented to enable our Analytics Cookies, they will still not be tracked through our Google Analytics.

Please click on the following links to learn how to change your Do Not Track settings based on the browser/s you use:

- Google Chrome - Do Not Track
- Mozilla Firefox - Do Not Track

For more information about Do Not Track please read the following pages from the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Disabling and Deleting Cookies

Please read the links below in order to better manage your Cookies based on the browser/s you use:

- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Apple Safari
- Opera
- Microsoft Edge

Learn more about Cookies

To learn more about Cookies please visit and read from the resources below:


Contact Information

Should you have any questions or comments about our Cookies Policy you can send an email to us directly at